NAPFA Advisor


The National Association of Personal Financial Advisors (NAPFA) is the country’s leading professional association of Fee-Only financial advisors—highly trained professionals who are committed to working in the best interests of those they serve. Ivy League Financial Advisors has proudly been a member of NAPFA since our inception in 1999.

NAPFA's rich history began in 1983 when a group of advisors simply wanted to serve their clients without creating conflicts of interest associated with commissions from product sales. Since then NAPFA has developed high standards in the field and each advisor must sign and renew a Fiduciary Oath yearly and subscribe to their Code of Ethics. It's all a part of the mission of NAPFA.

NAPFA provides support and education for over 2400 members all over the country and is governed by a national board and supported by four regional boards.

NAPFA members live by three important values:

  • To be the beacon for independent, objective financial advice for individuals and families.
  • To be the champion of financial services delivered in the public interest.
  • To be the standard bearer for the emerging profession of financial planning.

They call it the Power of Trust.

For more information about NAPFA, please visit their website at